Please give to help maintain The Abbey and its expenses through this difficult time. image

Please give to help maintain The Abbey and its expenses through this difficult time.

$172,363 raised

$200,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Your gift makes a difference!

As you can imagine, it is very quiet here at The Abbey during this COVID-19 situation. The busyness of staff getting ready for retreats and guests have come to a temporary halt. The hallways are void of footsteps of Abbey friends walking through them. The church sits empty without a voice or song heard. However, the prayers haven’t stopped. There are many prayers going out from the entire Abbey staff to all of you and many are being said on behalf of The Abbey. Obviously, the most important matter right now is that you stay healthy, strong and faithful during this time.
The Abbey community really wants to thank everyone who continues to support The Abbey with financial gifts (monthly, memorial, in honor of or general donations.) With no activity-events/retreats or guests, The Abbey relies even heavier on the generosity of you, our donors & friends.